View this video to see what volunterring at Brookvale is all about...
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Looking to gain some experience or want to help your local community? Do your bit and become a Volunteer to aid the running of the Village Hall in a satisfying and enjoyable position.
Brookvale Community Association constituted for Brookvale residents and friends, have 33 interesting roles available for any ability.
Our friendly committee support your training towards achieving skills for your CV.
Some of our roles have regular attendance and other roles are only needed during our 8 annual events.
We also have remote work from home opportunities requiring occasional attendance.
Some tasks are brief, others can be complex and may need special equipment/training/team working.
Something interesting and varied for everyone, which can be also slotted in with your existing commitments.
All tasks are expensible and we look forward to meeting you and to you enjoying our activities!
Please fill in the webform to include your email address and phone number and suggest the best time for a chat.
BCA Committee
Ranging from Event Hosting to Community Engagement roles, there are a variety of interesting roles a volunteer can take at Brookvale for all ranges of skills and abilities.
Click here to download a form and then email info@brookvale.org.uk.